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3 Reasons You Need Support After Cancer Remission

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Cancer survivorship is often viewed as purely victorious. Unfortunately, many people who have survived cancer deal with ongoing physical and emotional battles that are rarely discussed. After you have achieved remission, you may need ongoing support. 1. Mental Health The diagnosis and treatment of cancer can provoke a wide array of mental health challenges that do not always stop once you achieve remission. Anxiety is a common occurrence, especially when you need follow-up scans to determine if you are still in remission.…

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3 Important Things To Tell Your Cardiologist

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Of all of the organs that keep you alive, your heart is often thought to be one of the most important, and that is absolutely the case. The importance of a healthy heart is why it is best to see a cardiologist if you even suspect that you have some kind of problem. Even though most people do take their cardiovascular health seriously, many keep things from their heart doctor when they go in for an assessment, whether it is out of embarrassment or something else.…

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3 Tips When Getting Help From An Orthopedic Physical Therapist

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If you have problems with your musculoskeletal system, orthopedic physical therapy may be needed. This treatment seeks to repair the bones and muscles affected by your musculoskeletal condition. In order to see optimal results, though, you need to take these steps.  Create Achievable Goals The more severe your orthopedic condition is, the more difficult your road to recovery is. This means a more in-depth physical therapy regimen, but you can see results if you create some goals.…

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3 Reasons To Consider Cryotherapy Treatments

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Cryotherapy is an interesting health procedure that utilizes freezing temperatures to provide a variety of potential health benefits, usually by having you sit in a tank or booth. Listed below are just three of the many reasons to consider cryotherapy clinic treatments. Cryotherapy Can Be Targeted A huge reason to consider cryotherapy treatments is that the cryotherapy procedure can typically be targeted to parts of the body. Sure, you can consider going into a cryotherapy booth or tank to get a whole body treatment, but you can also go for more specific options using a wand or facemask to target parts of your body if freezing your whole body doesn’t sound appealing or if you simply don’t want to make your entire body cold.…

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Increasing Your Comfort Level During Infusion Treatments

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Finding out that you have cancer can be frightening, but advancements in modern medicine have made medications designed to treat cancer available to the public. Many of these medications are administered intravenously through a process known as infusion. Dealing with regular infusions as you battle your cancer can be challenging, but there are some simple things that you can do to increase your comfort level throughout the process. Here are three things you can do to ease discomfort during infusions in the future.…

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A Look At Beginning A Career As A Neonatal Nurse

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If you have an interest in medicine and love working with babies, you should consider a career as a neonatal nurse. As a neonatal nurse, you would work with newborn babies in a variety of settings. You could work in a nursery with healthy newborns or in an intensive care unit caring for critically ill premature infants. Here is the process for becoming a neonatal nurse. Obtain An RN Degree…

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Summer Cold Or Seasonal Allergies? 3 Questions To Ask Yourself About Your Symptoms

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In the middle of summer, you may start feeling run down while suffering from a stuffy nose. However, you may be uncertain about whether your symptoms are caused by a summer cold or seasonal allergies. Since there are some similarities between the two conditions, ask yourself the following questions about your symptoms to determine which one you may have. When Did Your Symptoms Start? The first thing you should ask yourself is about the timeframe when your symptoms started.…

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Three Levels Of Medical Care

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There are several different levels of medical care that you can take advantage of. They each have their own appropriate times to be used, and it’s important to know when you should use each kind of medical care.  Primary Care Physician Primary care physicians are who you see for your regular health care. You go see them for things like physicals and routine medical issues. For example, if you have diabetes, you may go see your doctor every few months so that they can keep track of your bloodwork and check your overall health.…

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What Are The Different Types Of Generalized Seizures?

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Generalized seizures occur when there are abnormal bursts of energy going on in the brain. These seizures may occur to those who have suffered from head trauma, a brain infection such as meningitis or have been diagnosed with epilepsy, autism, Alzheimer’s disease or other neurological conditions. These are the different types of generalized seizures and some of the symptoms of each. Grand-Mal Seizures  The most common type of generalized seizure is the Grand-mal seizure.…

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Tips For Taking Your Todder To The Pediatrician

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If you have to take your toddler to the pediatric doctor, then you want to make sure you take steps to make the visit go as smoothly as possible. Toddlers can be a real handful, and this can leave you feeling worn out and on your last nerve by the time you even get called back to a room. Then, once you are in a room, things can get even worse since there is generally even less for your little one to do there.…

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