Exploring Health Care Clinic Services For Kids

Four Top Health Concerns For Women

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Women in the United States are living longer than ever. In 2014, the life expectancy of American women reached an all-time high of 81.4 years. Compare this to just 20 years earlier in 1994 when the life expectancy of women was at 72.3 years. Just because women are living longer, however, doesn’t mean they are in perfect health. Here are four of the top health concerns that women have today:…

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3 Reasons You Need Support After Cancer Remission

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Cancer survivorship is often viewed as purely victorious. Unfortunately, many people who have survived cancer deal with ongoing physical and emotional battles that are rarely discussed. After you have achieved remission, you may need ongoing support. 1. Mental Health The diagnosis and treatment of cancer can provoke a wide array of mental health challenges that do not always stop once you achieve remission. Anxiety is a common occurrence, especially when you need follow-up scans to determine if you are still in remission.…

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3 Important Things To Tell Your Cardiologist

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Of all of the organs that keep you alive, your heart is often thought to be one of the most important, and that is absolutely the case. The importance of a healthy heart is why it is best to see a cardiologist if you even suspect that you have some kind of problem. Even though most people do take their cardiovascular health seriously, many keep things from their heart doctor when they go in for an assessment, whether it is out of embarrassment or something else.…

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